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Sunday Sermons from San Francisco's Grace Cathedral, home to a community where the best of Episcopal tradition courageously embraces innovation and open-minded conversation. At Grace Cathedral, inclusion is expected and people of all faiths are welcomed. The cathedral itself, a renowned San Francisco landmark, serves as a magnet where diverse people gather to worship, celebrate, seek solace, converse and learn.

Apr 25, 2021

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want” (Psalm 23).


  1. “When I was born the common view was that nurture decided almost everything. In the decades that followed the emphasis shifted to nature. In the last twenty years, people have talked more broadly about the way nature and nurture propel each...

Apr 18, 2021

  1. What a time… what a time for us to hear Jesus say, “touch me and see” (Lk. 24). So many of my friends have not touched another person for months. Our vast universe of touch has shrunk to a tiny island containing only one or two other persons. Never before did I fully appreciate the ritual of shaking hands in...

Apr 4, 2021

“Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord...” (Jn. 20).


Mostly we live on the shallow surface. We usually assume we understand the facts, that the everyday world exists in the way that it appears to us. But at certain moments we the vast depths of our unconscious life startles...